PsL Monthly 1994 June
PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (June 1994) (Public Software Library).bin
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=====Windows Programs, Section 3
-----Windows Programming
Visual C++ Browser Toolkit for Windows NT [BSC32] (Microsoft Corporation,
reg. fee: $?) contains a set of powerful tools that allow Visual C++
programmers to manipulate the contents of browser database (.BSC) files.
CoolWorx (BETA) 1.0.03 [COOLWORX] (Al Williams Computing, reg. fee: $?) is
an application framework for developing Windows applications. Applications
developed with CoolWorx can incorporate vertical or horizontal toolbars and
status bars with bitmap or icon buttons, context sensitive help on the
status bar, 3D controls, text editor, and dialog boxes. Requires a C/C++
compiler. (NOTE: you must use the -d switch when unzipping this program to
recreate the proper directory structure.)
DLTBrowse Demo [DLTDEM] (David Tessitore, reg. fee: $152) allows C/C++
programmers to display data in a tabular format.
Player [PLAYER] (Charles Calvert, reg. fee: $?) contains Pascal for Windows
source code for a multimedia player.
Setup Studio 1.2 [SSETUP] (Denis Chevron, reg. fee: $50) allows you to
easily create professional-quality installtion programs for WIN31. It
contains the DLL with its C/C++ Basic functions declaration and a "Wizard"
to manage files and create disk sets.
Trig [TRIG] (reg. fee: $0) contains two TPW units that provide 21 trig
WinCPP [WINCPP] (reg. fee: $0) is a windows class with various C++ routines.
---Updates: Windows Programming
(WI-08) Apteryx Lisp 1.01 [APTERYX] (Apteryx Lisp Ltd, reg. fee: $40 NZ) is
an easy-to-use interactive Lisp System for Windows 3.x. It includes an
integrated editor, and user extensible Pascal code generator.
(WI-08) Helllp! [HELLLP] (Edward Guy, ASP; reg. fee: $30) is a Word for
Windows macro that assists in the creation fo Windows Help files. NEW:
automated Multi-File build and HelpContextID property (MAP) generation.
(WI-08) IPX/SPX Custom Controls [IPXSPX] (Lee Wiltbank, reg. fee: $30)
allows you to create applications that can communicate as clients and/or
servers on Novell NetWare networks.
(WI-08) Programmer's File Editor for Windows 0.05.006 [PFE0506] (Alan
Phillips, reg. fee: $0) is a programmer-oriented text editor for Windows.
NEW: numerous bug fixes and enhancements. This version is now specifically
for Windows 3.x.
(WI-08) RC2HDK 2.0 [RC2HDK20] (HyperAct Inc., reg. fee: $40) creates an
HLPDK help template from Windows Resource Description files. NEW:
accelerator resource template generation.
(WI-08) Turbo Debugger Drivers [TDSVGA] (reg. fee: $0) contains generic
video drivers for Turbo Debugger for Windows. NEW: includes the new TDWGUI
configuration program.
-----Visual Basic - Small
Basexp [BASEXP] (Big Dog Software, reg. fee: $0) contains a module and
sample program for a basic five function algebraic expression evaluator.
Candemo 2.00 [CANDEMO] (reg. fee: $?) contains a VB project that
demonstrates how to provide the user with a "cancel" option on a long
running process. The modeless cancel dialog uses the SetWindowWord API to
create a child form that remains above the parent but is automatically
minimized if the parent is.
Crashed Cursor Savior [CURSS] (Continuum Enterprises, reg. fee: $0) uses
the ShowCursor API function to display lost cursors. Requires VBRUN300.
ED 1.1 [ED11] (Network Resources, reg. fee: $0) contains source code and an
executable of a Windows front end for DOS text editors. Requires VBRUN300.
EditBttn [EDITBTN] (Barth Riley, reg. fee: $?) contains sample code
demonstrating methods to prevent user input in bound and unbound controls.
The controls remain read-only until the user clicks on the Edit button.
Learning VBX Custom Code [LEARNV] (Dan Rodgers/Big Dog Software, reg. fee:
$0) is an example of VBX coding with custom events and properties. The
implementation is of a customized multiple select list box with interesting
selection properties.
LinkManager 1.0 [LMV100] (Genius Software., reg. fee: $15-80 Pounds) is a
set of VB modules that provide application to application comunications
across any type of network supporting network disk drives. This is very
useful for multi-user games and educational programs.
Meter Bar for VB [MBAR] (Scott Stubbs, reg. fee: $0) is a custom control
that simulates a gas gauge or progress indicator. It allows you to "fill
up" the control in any direction and at any rate. Requires VB3.
OLE Demo [OLEDEMO] (Michael Kosten, reg. fee: $0) contains VB functions to
allow saving OLE2 objects to database fields. Objects may be written and
read in Access 1.x OLE storage format or OLE2 storage format. Includes a
DLL for speedy calculation of Access checksum byte. Requires VB 3.0
PicScroll Demo [PIC_DEM] (Benet-Tec, reg. fee: $?) contains a demo of a
scrollable picturebox custom control for Visual Basic 3.
Prompt Control [PROMPT] (Andrew S. Dean, reg. fee: $20) is an enhanced Text
Box control that allows users to enter command-line style input. It can be
used to implement behavior similar to the Visual Basic debug window, or the
dot prompt which appears in many xBase products. A demo executable is included.
WINDOWS Magazine Version Browser 1.2 [PWBROW] (Karen Kenworthy, reg. fee:
$?) contains source code and an executable for a utility that shows
information in the "version resource" of many Windows programs, DLL's, and
other files. Information about author, purpose, etc. can be displayed or
printed, allowing version control of installed files. Requires VBRUN300.
Sleepless Nights FX Custom Controls [SNFXVB3] (Sleepless Nights Software,
reg. fee: $15-$35) contains a working demo of three custom controls: an
enhanced label control, a picture button, and an improved mini-spin button.
TabFrame Custom Control [TABFRAM] (GC Consulting Sevrices Ltd, reg. fee:
$25 Pounds Sterling) is a demo control that provides an easy way to add
tabbed dialog boxes to your VB applications.
VB-Tools 1.0 [VB_TOOL] (Disk & Desk Software, reg. fee: $25) provides an
add-on toolbar for any version of VB. This lets you program faster by
simply clicking on buttons to paste, add a MDI form, and many other
functions. Requires VBRUN300.
VB Print 1.0 [VBPRIN] (InTouch Software, reg. fee: $5) provides
customizable printing of a project. Features include selectable code
highlighting, right justified line wrapping, project and page headers along
with form and icon printing capabilities. Requires VBRUN300.
VB Magic Wrappers [VBWRAP] (Big Dog Software, reg. fee: $0) is an
educational module with documentation that provides dozens of API wrappers
and general use function and subroutines in a .BAS file.
WingLib 1.0 [WLIB10] (Silverwing Systems, reg. fee: $25) contains a small
DLL that can be called by a Visual Basic program to obtain the amount of
free space on a disk drive.
---Updates: Visual Basic - Small
(WI-8a) 3D-VB Input 3.0a [3DINPUT] (Opaque Software, reg. fee: $15) is a
Text Box custom control that lets you add a 3-D look to the box and the text.
(WI-8a) Diskstuf.DLL [DISKSTF] (Douglas Marquardt, reg. fee: $0) (formerly
DiskInfo) contains a DLL which returns the free disk space of any valid
drive. NEW:a function that returns the VOLSTRUCT info for any valid drive.
(WI-8a) EZ-Tab 1.15 [EZTABD] (Bernd Beekes, reg. fee: $22.50) allows you to
implement tabbed dialogs in VB. NEW: multiline tabbed dialogs without
coding, QueryDeactivate event, and improved painting.
(WI-8a) Mlist.VBX 4.20 [MLIST] (McKean Consulting, reg. fee: $5-10) is a
custom control for presenting column data in a normal Windows list box.
NEW: added 3-D, rise and fall colors, and SelChange event, hilighted lines
will default to the system colors as controlled by the control panel.
(WI-8a) VBCtl3D 1.32 [VB3D] (Bernd Beekes and Jeff Simms, reg. fee: $29)
allows you to easily add 3-D effects to controls, message boxes, dialogs,
etc. NEW: configuration support via properties. Requires VB2+ and WIN31.
-----Visual Basic - Large
Data Widgets Demo 1.00b [DWDEMO] (Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. 35
Pinelawn Road, reg. fe